Jim Zajkowski


Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ I’m the Apple platform lead for the University of Michigan. My team manages around 10,000 Macs, about 550 software packages, and an additional 4,000 iOS devices.

You can reach me by mail at jim@jamesez.io.

My Contact Key verification code is APKTIDABodit9wfgPSVnieQgEZCl7DCgw8QdITAbVMc08XGewwLQ

I keep a reasonably up-to-date resume here.


Izzy: Managing Macs at University Scale, a talk I gave in 2019 to ITS about my Munki front-end, Izzy, after receiving the University’s President’s staff recongnition award.

DEP and You, a talk I gave internally in Feburary 2022 to explain how Automated Device Enrollment works.

My favorite talk so far, Koo Bear Net Ease, I gave to ITS support staff in May 2022. It’s not intended to be an in-depth review of Kubernetes, but an overview of how we got to it, how we use it, and why I like it. The video is better.

GitHub Enterprise, internally given in July 2022, to explain the features of the University-wide GitHub Enterprise license we bought. As this was a lot of demos and Q&A, the video is more complete.